CTK Homeschool Group CTK Homeschool Group CTK Homeschool Group CTK Homeschool Group CTK Homeschool Group CTK Homeschool Group

Application Process

Thank you for your interest in the CTK Homeschool Group!

Our application process is not based on a "first come, first in" basis. It completely relies on our space availability for the upcoming year, which is determined by our returning current membership, as well as our group operation needs for the upcoming year.

We do not keep a waitlist. If we are unable to accept your family for the current school year, please check our website in February for information regarding applying for fall or you can be added to our mailing list which is located in the upper left hand corner of our website: CTKHSG.org . We will inform you of upcoming open houses and upcoming new member application periods.

If you are interested in the Tuesday OVA funded or self-pay classes:

For those interested in Tuesday classes, OVA funding or self-pay, please contact Kathleen VanderVeen, our Tuesday Administrator: [email protected]

Please check our website in February for information regarding applying for fall of 2025/2026 or you can be added to our mailing list which is located in the upper left hand corner of our website: CTKHSG.org . We will inform you of upcoming open houses and new member application periods.

We recommend you read through our mission statement, handbook, and "What we are NOT!". Many questions can be answered by reading these documents. Please note that the handbook is updated yearly. Minor changes for the upcoming school year may not be reflected at the time that the new member application process is opened. We will do our best to communicate upcoming changes at the open houses.

Overall, our membership is quite full, with many grades being at capacity, and based on returning members our potential new member openings will be limited.

If you are interested in the Thursday Catholic co-op day:

Please check our website in February for information regarding applying for fall of 2025/2026 or you can be added to our mailing list which is located in the upper left hand corner of our website: CTKHSG.org . We will inform you of upcoming open houses and upcoming new member application periods.

We recommend you read through our mission statement, handbook , and "What we are NOT!". Many questions can be answered by reading these documents. Please note that the handbook is updated yearly. Minor changes for the upcoming school year may not be reflected at the time that the new member application process is opened. We will do our best to communicate upcoming changes at the open houses.

Overall, our membership is quite full, with many grades being at capacity, and based on returning members our potential new member openings will be limited.

Thank you,

CTK Homeschool Group Coordinators